Meet the New Twitter

Not on Twitter yet, what are you waiting for?

I’ve been on Twitter for some time now tweeting Rabbitdigital Design news, links and just basic tweeting about whats happening here in Frodsham Cheshire and Birkenhead, what I’ve been up to, making websites, doing the odd logo here and there, the usual stuff. Twitter is my day long connection to the rest of the world and to be honest I couldn’t be without, the new Twitter is definitely a step in the right direction, who cares if you’ve got to redesign your background.

So I thought I’d share this two minutes of Tweet video promotion, advert, pr thing, whatever you’d like to call it, the tune is quite mellow too – enjoy 🙂

Meet the New Twitter was last modified: July 11th, 2011 by Warren O'Donoghue
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