Rebecca Holland Logo Designs

Cheshire based Independent Education Consultant, Rebecca Holland, needed a new business image beginning with some logo designs.

Rebecca contacted me to discuss the brief she had provided, explaining her thoughts and requirements including preferred colour ways, font styles, graphics etc. More than 90% of her current work links to mathematics for which the recognised colour is generally blue, another suggestion was β€˜ice’ blue. All of her work is currently in the North West of England and she suggested possibly using a compass device to indicate geographical location which I have introduced in various forms to some of the logo designs below.

Her philosophy, “many people see maths as being structured and rigid, I see it as organic and multi-faceted, so I wonder about quite a fluid font” and as Rebecca explained she would like to see the use of organic shapes showing growth and connection which I have hopefully achieved with some of the logos created below!

Finally, as an education consultant, Rebecca requested the design to be grammatically correct in the use of upper and lowercase letters. Please take a few moments to review the designs and leave your comments and suggestions in the box provided at the bottom of the page, all feedback and constructive criticism is welcome!

Some similar logo designs »

Rebecca Holland Logo Designs was last modified: September 5th, 2011 by Warren O'Donoghue
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28 Comments about “Rebecca Holland Logo Designs

  1. I like the graphic in #3 as this has a link to education, but without the blackboard effect.
    The fonts used for your name in #4 & 6 are easy to read.
    Colour… erm… I like RED πŸ˜‰
    Colour for Jane – #4 or 7

  2. I like the organic spirals of #2. Not sure about the compass, would anyone actually get what it was for?
    Also, the text ‘Independent Education Consultant’ is important to have because it says what she does

    Nice one X

  3. i’ll put my money on number 5, love the colour scheme and font … I wish you’d pump out some rubbish instead of the usual quality it would make the decision easier lol …

  4. Consultants usually have vibrant clear logos, so number 9 for me. Some of the others look a little like Holland and Barrett shop with the scrolling fonts, particularly with a greenish background

  5. Alice likes #9 as its straight forward, clear and modern. I’m leaning more to #3 though. It has more of a chalk board background which is what I would associate with education.

  6. Number 9 by a mile. All the cursive font designs are too girly for the subject matter, and slightly alienating for a male audience. I expect to open them and be looking at curtains / sofa and cushion combinations / wallpaper patterns. Number 9 looks impressive, catches the eye and you know it means business, without being boring. It needs the vague “consultancy” qualifying so that one knows exactly in what field the consulting is available. Number 1 looks like a box of chocs, Number 4 looks like an NHS set of accounts. Go with number 9 !!!!

  7. My favourite is number 3, I think it gives the organic feel you wanted and I like the maths symbols in the leaf eclipse, it tells you what the majority of your work is based upon. I cannot make out what the other symbols are featured on the background of the design but would like to know what that one is on the left hand corner.
    I like that it tells you what kind of consultancy you are doing as just having the word Consultancy on the logo is too vague and it could be anything.
    Overall I think number 3 has a very classy look to it.

  8. Joe (Sophie’s boyfriend) likes number 1. He likes the addition of RH as he feels this could become the brand name especially if you are having a website, as your full name may well be too long for Google and more difficult to remember.

    I think he has a very good point.

    Other comments about number 1 from the above people were that it looked a bit like a solicitor’s logo.

    Hope our comments have helped.


  9. 7 and 9 are my faves, I like no. 3 but it reminds me a bit of an organic food range, as do 1 and 2. I also agree with Gary though, very difficult to choose, can’t you through some bad ones in now and again to make it easy? πŸ™‚

  10. I like the colours used in number 9, however prefer the wording Independent Education Consultant. I also think the initials in the circle are a bit curly and don’t convey a message with the image – maybe you need a little abbacus / calculator / figure of sums here???

  11. It definately has to be no 3 for me.I love the fluidity of the logo and the fact that the wording identifies the field rebecca is in.

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