Android on the rise

Googles Android phone market share continues to rise latest figures reveal

Google Android Logo

Recently released figures show the Android mobile operating system continues to gain popularity thanks to the smartphones running it. It’s expected that Android’s market share will continue to climb given the increased variety of Android-based handsets available even though Apple too could see a boost in market share especially as they make the iPhone available on more networks.

Statistics that show the Android increase in July and August is only steady compared with the rush seen for the new iPhone 4 in the past but its a gain for Google which ever way you look at it. Androids popularity has certainly been helped by the increase in the Motorola devices over the past year even more than the other smartphone manufacturers out there. Apple’s iPhone has given up 7% of its mobile web market share while Motorola is currently beating HTC with a yearly growth of 10%.

Which ever way you look at the stats its all good news for mobile web design and long may good competition continue to benefit us all with lower prices, quality apps and cheaper web browsing.

Google Andoid Market Share Graph

Android on the rise was last modified: July 11th, 2011 by Warren O'Donoghue
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